Rebecca Maracle Mohawk Feathersmith
Rebecca Maracle is a fourth-generation traditional Mohawk Feathersmith of the Bear Clan. She was born in and resides in Tyendinaga Mohawk territory and has always been immersed in art.
She works with feathers, which are meant to instill positive energy and wellbeing into body, mind and spirit. Whether it’s jewellery or art, everything comes from Nature and is surrounded by its natural strength.
Rebecca has learned what it means to be an artist and understand the connection with the earth and culture by growing up with art around her. She captures the essence of this in her work, pouring her heart, soul and medicine into each piece. Not only an award-winning artist but a medicine healer, Rebecca creates everything on her own - sitting in gratitude and noting that “healing is all around us, we just have to choose to see it.”